Terms of Service

I accept personal data treatment for booking purposes and contacts related to my bookings.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016 (GDPR), we inform you:

The entity responsible for the processing of personal data is Vianatece - Artesanato Tecelagem, Lda. with headquarters at Zona Industrial do Neiva, 2ª Fase, 4935-232 Neiva, taxpayer nº 502 405 961, and with Registry Office of Viana do Castelo nº 502 405 961, holder of the LethesHome Apartments brand.

For the processing of personal data, is considered the subcontractor of the entity "XYZT - Computação Gráfica, S.A", which developed and manages the e-GDS® - Global Distribution Solutions platform.

The personal data collected on this platform are intended for the normal commercial execution of the data processing entity, reserves and contacts associated with reservations, and are not available and / or disclosed to any entity other than those responsible for the above processing mentioned.

The collection of personal data obeys strict rules of necessity and pertinence. All required fields are marked with asterisks to indicate the data subjects.

Access to personal data by the entity responsible for data processing is limited in number of accesses, and restricted to the time required and only purpose of good performance of the contract/ contacts.

Data subjects have the right to access their personal data through a personal area and can correct, edit and delete them in accordance with the regulations.

Any additional clarification needs to be addressed by email to rgpd@letheshome.pt .